How To Sow Seeds?


The Easy Guide to Sowing Seeds

How you sow seeds will depend on the type of seed. But there are a few general rules if you happen to lose those gardening instructions.

Optimal Spaces

Get the location right! Are your seeds going to get enough sun? Poor sunlight means leggy plants. Plants that have really long stems, get floppy, and possibly won’t survive. Sorry to be a debbie downer, but it’s true. They get floppy, and you start questioning your seedling parenting skills.

One way to make it a little more optimal, is to make sure it gets enough sun, and turn your propagator trays frequently. When you see them bending towards the light, it’s time to turn your tray.

Large Seeds


If the seeds are large, like a French bean, you can get those seeds settled a little deeper in the soil. With a seed around this size, take your pinky and burrow it in the soil to around the second line (roughly where the joint is in your finger). Then pop your seed in, and cover.

Small Seeds


If the seed is smaller, like the size of a crumb (sometimes seeds are tiny!), then my general approach to seeds like this is to sprinkle, and cover with a light layer of soil. If you plant it too deep, there is a chance it won’t germinate, and it’ll just rot in the soil. You want to give it a slight chance of seeing the sun…just not too much exposure. So a light covering of soil should work.

These rules won’t apply to every seed. But for those days when you can’t find the packet, then this is a useful guide.


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